Stiftung FÜRS LEBEN Life Time Clock

Entry Details

Entrant Company: serviceplan, Munich

Award: Bronze

Year: 2015

Medium: Engagement/Experiential

Entry Type: Health Services & Corporate Communications

Category: Ambient


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Entrant Company: serviceplan, Munich
Agency: serviceplan, Munich
Production Company: Saurus Bauten für Film und Messe GmbH, Munich
Music Company: Isarmusik, Munich
Animation Company: ARRI Film & TV Services GmbH, Munich
Recording Studio: Giesing Team, Munich
Other: Sigmund Lindner GmbH, Warmensteinach
Chief Creative Officer: Alexander Schill serviceplan, Munich
Executive Creative Director: Mike Rogers serviceplan, Munich
Executive Creative Director: Christoph Everke serviceplan, Munich
Executive Creative Director: Till Diestel serviceplan, Munich
Creative Director: Christoph Bohlender serviceplan, Munich
Copywriter: J. Jackson serviceplan, Munich
Art Director: Dimitrios Arampatzioglou serviceplan, Munich
Account Supervisor: Alexandra Rueger serviceplan, Munich
Graphic Design: Rebecca Amann serviceplan, Munich
Producer: Thorsten Huth Saurus, Munich
Cinematographer: Thiemo Hehl Freelancer, Stuttgart
Executive Creative Producer: Florian Panier serviceplan, Munich
Sound Designer: Lukas Bohlender Isarmusik, Munich
PR: Thorsten Hebes serviceplan, Munich